Compare The Lancer, The Dragon, the Number Two.

Depending on the nature of the crew, he might be the only one besides The Mastermind who actually knows what's going on. The Partner-In-Crime: The leader's second-in-command, who assists The Mastermind in plan-making and usually almost equally as experienced.May or may not have been the one to put the team together. Compare The Chessmaster, The Captain, the Big Bad. Usually the most experienced in the business as well, and very respected by their crew otherwise they wouldn't be able to keep all these amoral people in line. The Mastermind: The leader, who found the target, calls the shots, and thought up the plan.The roles in the Caper Crew tend to fall along the following lines: Sometimes the crew will fall into a Five-Man Band if it has the right amount of members.

Characters are also more likely to have more than one specialization, or some of the more specialized roles are farmed out to Satellite Characters who aren't really part of the main crew. Unlike the Command Roster, however, some of the roles really depend on what kind of heist is going on, so the actual number of members and which jobs are included in the Badass Crew, are somewhat more variable than in the military example.

Just like the good guys have a Command Roster, when your Villain Protagonists are involved in a Caper (or your everyman protagonists in a Heist Episode), characters tend to fall into a number of roles.